Changeset [5bd4e68758fc0f3bda8bd7159c41288b071ca5c7] by Wandenberg Peixoto

April 9th, 2012 @ 11:24 PM

Committed by Wandenberg Peixoto

  • A example/mssql/20090123195634_create_table_users.migration
  • A example/mssql/20090211120001_add_user_age.migration
  • A example/mssql/20090211120002_add_user_mother_age.migration
  • A example/mssql/20090211120003_create_table_chimps.migration
  • A example/mssql/20090228235709_create_table_aleatory.migration
  • A example/mssql/simple-db-migrate.conf
  • A simple_db_migrate/
  • A tests/
  • M ChangeLog
  • M NOTICE.txt
  • M README.textile
  • M simple_db_migrate/
  • M tests/
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simple-db-migrate is a database migration tool inpired on Rails migrations. For more info check the project website: